
  • $3 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Explosive Mission Pack

i bought the explosive mission pack for deus ex human revolution a while back, but it's been sitting in my inventory ever since. it's price is $3 so i'd like to trade it for about $3 worth of other dlc that i am likely to actually use. here's that list:


  • $4 - dungeon defenders: quest for the lost eternia shards part 1
  • $3 - dungeon defenders: barbarian hero
  • $2 - spacechem: 63 corvi mission
  • $2 - dungeon defenders: karathiki jungle mission pack
  • $2 - dungeon defenders: assault mission pack
  • $2 - dungeon defenders: the great turkey hunt! mission and costumes
  • $2 - magicka: gamer bundle
  • $2 - sanctum: cavern
  • $2 - sanctum: slums
  • $2 - sanctum: aftershock
  • $2 - sanctum: aftermath
  • $2 - killing floor: steampunk character pack 2
  • $1 - fortix (this one's actually a game)
  • $1 - magicka: nippon
  • $1 - steel storm: weapon pack

any combination from this list totaling $3 or more i’ll accept, but if there are multiple offers matching that when i check back i’ll go for whichever i like best even if it wasn’t first. if it’s $2 then maybe, and if it’s $1 then definitely not. other trades are also possible, but i don’t know how much people will want to trade me for a $3 dlc...

my steam profile: misterhaan

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.