9 years ago*

Do U have any other games like Ori and The Blind Forest ?
i have Mirrors edge

9 years ago

get a life and stop selling free games , im sick of people like you...

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago*

1 - bad grammar
2 - worst comment-ordering/sorting ever
3 - asking for free games
4 - B*tchin about my reps
now the best part is 5 - telling me to get out LOL
dont even feel embarrassed ? dude better close your topic and post a link about DLH and WGN , they are already doing your job , but just not asking for AAA titles for their free games .. i know this could be cruel world , but you are the most annoying creature ever , from the way you commented , i can tell you are a kid (btw , its past your bedtime) :D

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

no i wont stop , i can let people fall into your scamming trap , carry on with this and you will get reported , better remove it now

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

this is so childish , you can totally see my reputation is more than yours (not even comparing my steam profile rep) but you are putting yourself in a bad situation here , and you know what , just so i dont spam more , im outtie ...and reported :D

9 years ago

guys . have a read http://snag.gy/WUSg3.jpg
this dude puts fake -rep cuz i exposed him , please report him guys :D

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.