valve complete pack or skyrim?
+sweet (Oblivion/Fallout nv) ?
no soryy
valve pack = skyrim
i will wait other offer :)
if 15minutes no other offer.
what if u add 2 PVZ. in russia PVZ only $0.5) right ?
forward add
Lol valve complete pack is more expensive and have more games and you still wanna sweet ? Good joke :)
50% valve coupons = $50 valve complete. A lot of ppl have that coupons :)
*i have that coupon too
pls dont LOL on people thread !
Yes you've right lot of people have coupons, but Skyrim was on sale too so :) Ok Im out of here :D
Terraria, Magicka\Dungeon Defenders\Sanctum for Skyrim?