Starbound for 3 keys if you help with 4-pack opening.

1.I trade you Starbound 4pack for 15 keys collateral open 4-pack and receive Starbound in your library and 3 Starbound gifts trade 3 Starbound gifts for 12 keys

Requirements: you must not have Starbound in your library, your account must be in good standing (so gifts are tradable). Check if you can use the community market. If the Starbound gifts are not tradable I'm keeping the collateral.

Please make sure that you're able to use the community market before activating the four-pack so the extra copies will be tradable (I won't take the extra copies back if they are not tradable)

if you have 15 keys and agree add me.

1 decade ago*

added you to talk

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Could I give you 3 TF2 keys if you have a copy in your inventory :O?

1 decade ago

counterstrike complete gift for starbound copy

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.