Have LOL Account (EUW) with over 600 normal wins, and also close to all champs (around 80), lots of skins (pulsefire Ezreal & other more), currently ranked at Gold I (need only 5 matches to rank to platinum ). 2 complete t3 rune pages, .
I'm looking for offers in tf2/dota2 keys or ingame cosmetic items. If you're interested, post here, I'll add you, have the information of the account handed to you, and then you'll make your offer, if I'm interested we'll trade and then you change the accounts personal information for what you wish.

1 decade ago*

Account trading is forbidden.

1 decade ago

Trading (or selling) accounts is not allowed here as per the SteamTrades site rules.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.