I have...

Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum (Bloodseeker) - 2 left --- 1 key
Morbific Provision (Witch Doctor) ------------------- 1 left --- 1 key
Visions of the Lifted Veil (Phantom Assasin) ---- 2 left --- 1 key
Pitfall Crusader (Pangolier) --------------------------- 1 left --- 1 keys
Fate Meridian (Invoker) -------------------------------- 2 left --- 2 keys
Forlorn Descent (Undying) ---------------------------- 2 left --- 1 key
The Murid Divine (Necrophos) ----------------------- 1 left --- 1 key
Stonemarch Sovereign (Wraith King) ------------- 1 left --- 1 key
Primer of the Sapper's Guile (Techies) ------------ 1 left --- 1 key
Grasp of the Riven Exile (Weaver) ------------------ 1 left --- 1 key
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin (Queen of Pain) --- 1 left --- 2 keys
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel (Spirit Breaker)-- 1 left ---1 key

I want...

CS:GO keys (NOT hydra or capsule keys)

For me to be able to gift these untradable sets it requires you to be my steam friend for 30 days.

4 years ago*

Closed 3 years ago.