Would anyone like to do this trade?

1 decade ago*

I have a far cry 2 fortune edition gift.

1 decade ago

No, sorry, I am looking for Gnomoria

1 decade ago

Hi, Nedks, and welcome to SteamTrades. By no way am I an authority on SteamTrades, however, I'd like to point out the use of the "Bump" feature on the top right of your thread. Instead of opening multiple threads for the same thing (Here & here) - just bump this one thread. It makes it much easier for us to find what we're looking for without having to filter through old/obsolete threads.

You can find more information about the SteamTrade rules here. Thanks for your understanding!

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

No, sorry, I am really only looking for Gnomoria

1 decade ago

I'll do it.

1 decade ago

i can give u a gnomoria key

1 decade ago

Closed 5 years ago.