I have...

Talisman: Digital Edition
The Ship - 2 Pack Gift
ibb & obb

I want...

Captain Forever Remix
Nuclear Throne

All games are trade-able gifts. I'll gladly trade the cheap games 2:1.

9 years ago*

Hey, I want Talisman: Digital Edition and can offer you games from my list.
Look here: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/geFFr/
If you can't find something for you, then I will offer you 500 gems (half sack of gems) or cards.

Add me on Steam and write message with our trade info.

9 years ago

Thank you for your offer, but for me there is nothing interesting on your list. I am trying to trade for games so unfortunately I also have to decline your gem offer.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.