
How to calculate price:

  1. Open app's page at (in separate browser, or switch to ?cc=YourRegionCode later), or use Enhanced Steam
  2. Divide руб. price by 80
  3. Give me links to wanted items, if version is not default - specify its name, packs have separate "Package info" pages.
  4. If there are 3+ items use bookmarklet to copy whole cart

How to check for regional locks:

  1. Add wanted items to cart. "Purchase as a gift" button should be active, othervise it's only giftable via exploit
  2. On there must be no red warning:

Notice: Gift purchases for %Game% can only be added to the gift recipient's library if they are in %CIS-countries-list%.

Extra checking for region locks

  1. Open app page in Ru store
  2. Copy "Add to Cart" link, you should get "javascript:addToCart( %SUB_NUMBER%);"
  3. Check
  • OnlyAllowRunInCountries - definite lock
  • AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting | No - probable lock
  • RU/CIS in sub name - indication of purchase origin, maybe activateable


Sorted by price:


9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.