I have a Rust steam key for the following game Rust: http://www.playrust.com/
The game is for those who like zombie, survival, crafting,mmo games. Created from the same guy who made Garrys Mod.

The key is good for alpa, beta, and full release and you are entitled to the whole game. Currently it is on steam, however you can no longer buy the game or get into the alpha by any other means than a alpha key

Rust Key= 7 tf2/dota2 keys (if you accept key price, add for trade)

This is a key so I will only go first if you have more rep. If not you will go first.

I will accept any other offers, but post here first before adding me.

1 decade ago*

i can give you 6 keys, addme if deal
alternatively, i could give you a dead rising 2 complete gift or mount blade collection + 3 keys

1 decade ago

add you

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.