Hey guys, just got an invite from someone called Sypro. His profile was private and he offered me game keys (Borderlands 2, Torchlight II, and Limbo,) without making an offer for my things, which I thought was suspicious. I checked his profile here on SteamTrades and was surprised to learn he had 117 positive and 0 negative rep. Then when I noticed he wasn't actually online, despite talking to him, I realized I was dealing with an impersonator. Seems to be a new trend amongst scammers to adopt the name and profile photo of someone who has a lot of good rep, offer keys, refuse to go first, and then run off with the traded games.

Here's the conversation we had: http://i.imgur.com/5IOcI.jpg

Here is the profile of the impersonator/scammer: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076163697/

And here is the profile of the REAL Sypro, who is an excellent trader based on his rep: http://steamcommunity.com/id/gokaygurcan/

Watch out for the other guy and, as always, be wary of private profiles and offers for keys (never go first in a key trade unless they have good rep.)

1 decade ago*

Bumpaje,thanks for alerting us.

1 decade ago

ALWAYS run the profile of the person who adds you through steamrep.com

And keep a record of any trade with a screen shot - submit scam reports to them and steamtrades (with proof of course)

That won't solve everything, but it helps.

1 decade ago

Closed 7 years ago.