This is my first time on Steamtrades, so if anybody can inform me if I'm doing something wrong (read the rules, just saying), then it'd be appreciated.


$6.50 Steam wallet (can buy something if the offer is good; view notes at the bottom, though)


Eversion (Bigger want)

Penumbra Black Plague (would take Penumbra pack, but I'm only valuing it as much as Black Plague)


[May Want]

Indie Royales before Valentine's

[Don't Want]

Humble Bundles (Own all of them)

Currently-running Bundles (I can get them, or I'm not interested)

Games I already own (unless they are offered as sweeteners, or are highly tradeable/overpaying)


I'm perfectly willing to buy games with my Steam wallet to facilitate a trade. I'm a stingy person, however. Trading using my wallet means I want a good offer that I either cannot get with my current coupons, or is just too good to pass up.

My Steam profile is public. Please just click on my username here and refer to it to see what I have already in my library.

Do not add me on Steam unless we've come to an agreement here.

1 decade ago*

I waited an hour, since I wasn't sure if responding was considered bumping.

Setup - That's not a bad deal at all, especially if the Ship is a two-pack. Unfortunately, I own Indie Gala 2, as well as the Ship, and the bundle is still going on, last I checked. The Ship doesn't seem to trade too well, either. So, while it's not a bad deal, I own all of the parts included, and I'll have to refuse. Thanks for the interest, however.

1 decade ago

Bump-a-roo. Off to do some studying and whatnot, but I'll respond to offers when I can.

1 decade ago

mirrors edge?

1 decade ago

grid for torchlight

1 decade ago

Would you buy Dustforce and trade it for Terraria and a key for Hacker Evolution or BEEP?

1 decade ago

belzen - I actually might be interested in Mirror's Edge, depending on your offer. A friend wanted it, and didn't have the money, and I didn't really consider it worth five dollars. What kind of deal would you like? Or would you like me to make an offer?

fecrAnze - Not a bad deal, monetarily. Not sure how well it trades, and personally not that interested in it, though. I'll consider it, though.

Yokuo - I own Terraria already, and it doesn't seem to trade well. I already own the Indie Gala 2, as mentioned above, so I have Hacker Evolution. BEEP is currently in the Bemine bundle, which I'll likely be getting after they stabilize again, so I'm going to have to refuse your offer.

1 decade ago

okey, if u decide to trade, u ll add me .. id fecranze ... my opinion grid is the best realistic race and have most fun. i want torchlight cause of i have a mac. that is only reason :). whatever i can be online 30minutes than g2sleep

1 decade ago

That's fine. Thanks for the response!

1 decade ago

interested in Empire & Napoleon Total Warâ„¢ - Game of the Year Edition for 7.63$ steam wallet?

1 decade ago

prototype or cod mw for Dear Esther?

1 decade ago

fecrAnze - I did add you. I'm fairly tempted to go for it, since it is a good deal. We may be able to expand the deal a little if interested; more than willing to discuss this with you tomorrow.

MortePTY - You made a similar offer to me on the Steam forums, but this one is a bit more appealing than the last one. I'm not entirely sure if I'm interested, but I'll keep it in mind.

rikker - As I said in the top, and in the post above, I'm not looking to trade for the Bemine bundle, as it is still running, and I can buy it myself, allowing my purchase to go to charity (since I recall them supposedly doing it for charity?). That said, Sonic CD $5, and, if I were particularly evil, I could get the Bemine for $1, so the second offer is just not in my favor. Now, if you were interested in trading Sonic CD for my Plants Versus Zombies (my counteroffer), I'd probably be willing to make the exchange.

Mitsurain - CoD I'm generally uninterested in unless it's an amazing deal. Prototype is slightly more appealing, simply due to retail price, but I can't say that I'm that interested in the game itself, and I'd have to do research to see how well it trades. Sorry, but I don't think I'll take you on that offer.

1 decade ago

I have:



Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy



I want Broken Sword - Triple Pack, which with my -50% coupon will cost $4.99.

1 decade ago

Out of those, I own Machinarium and HD First Encounter. Not sure how interested I am in the others. How many were you offering for the Pack?

1 decade ago

I can do 2 for Pack.

1 decade ago

Ah. Sorry, but I can't say that the choices are that appealing to me. About the only one listed that I know has some trading power is LIMBO, but I'm not really interested in spending five dollars for a game I'm just going to trade. The others I can honestly say I wouldn't play. I'll have to reject your offer, because I won't ask for more than two. Thanks, though, for actually posting in here. Half of the other people have added me without going through the motions. Kudos for that.

1 decade ago

Deleted my last comment to clean up again. Mostly bumping to snag what interest is left. I traded away GRID and the Dungeons of Dredmor key. I now no longer need Amnesia.

Likely to be my last update for the season, unless sales give me some nice trading fodder. Feel free to shoot offers.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.