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looking for two keys but a single one is fine also.

5 years ago

What is your buying price for HoldFast?

5 years ago

not sure, shoot me an price.

5 years ago

was only curious if you would give a real answer. GMG has it on sale for $11.17 so if that's good enough you can just buy it there.
just curiosity since people like to dance around.

5 years ago

isee, I never knew about GMG haha. Is this site legit? how much would you sell your copy for?

5 years ago

I don't have any copies. I just wanted to see if I could get a straight answer for a price and then I was just going to link to GMG to say if the price was more or less than you wanted.


GMG is an official retailer for selling keys, yes.
I think https://isthereanydeal.com lists all sites that get their keys directly from the devs/publishers, but I would look into it if you want to know that

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.