Looking for the following games in reasonable prices:

Papers Please

Rogue Legacy

TWD: 400 Days

Van Helsing


DuckTales remastered

Most likely to be used myself, so trade-ability is not a necessity...

1 decade ago*

So I'll start with my offers ^^

  • Papers Please - 4 keys,
  • UnEpic - 4 keys,
  • Rogue Legacy - 5 keys,
  • TWD: 400 Days - 1.5 keys,
  • Van Helsing - 4 keys, +3 DLC - 6 keys,
  • Shadowrun Returns - 5 keys,
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut - 2.5 keys.

All games are tradeable gifts. Let me know if you're willing to take something.

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offers. Are these ROW gifts or from Ukraine store?

I don't need gifts as they are for me. The prices you mention are quite high,
about a key higher than the going rate for most:
Papers 3, Unepic 3 (Already have an offer), Rogue Legacy 3/4, 400Days 1/1+,
Van helsing 2.5/4 (With/without)...

If these are ROW and you are willing to negotiate - I don't mind discussing on chat

1 decade ago

All gifts are ROW. I simply don't trade games with regional restrictions. I could not know any other prices you have ever had on your mind simply because there is no other offers in this topic. I had to start with something.
High prices? It's quite arguable. And it mostly depends on how badly you want desired game.
However i do respect your opinion and thanks for your attention. Feel free to add me if you change your mind.

1 decade ago

Thanks for the polite response. I was just confirming regarding ROW, almost made a mistake once.
You are right about initial offers, but I was commenting based on prices requested throughout the forum, which are mostly aligned.
Just dropping to bed, I will add you tomorrow to discuss.

1 decade ago

wan helsing 3 key

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.