I have...

Watch_Dogs 2 UPlay Activation Key

I want...

TF2/CS:GO Keys And/Or Paypal

I recieved a UPlay key for Watch_Dogs 2 bundled with a piece of hardware I purchased, I dont need the key so I am selling it. Anyone interested can comment here, or add me on steam. I check for comments frequently and I am very active.


6 years ago

5 CSGO Keys for it?

6 years ago

I'll consider your offer, but for now I will wait. Thanks!

6 years ago

Ok, let me know, if you want to trade.

6 years ago

Yep, I'll get back to you if I decide to go with this offer, thanks!

6 years ago

Would you be interesting in throwing in 15$?

6 years ago

I was hoping to trade for keys

6 years ago

Thats fine, was just wondering if you were willing to add on to your OG offer

6 years ago

I'm interested in that uplay key. But does this key any restriction (do you need to have any NVIDIA exactly? Or it doesn't have any restriction.

Edit: added

6 years ago

On the box/card which contains the key, it mentions NO restrictions on where it can be redeemed, nor what you need to have installed etc. If it had any restriction it'd be for USA since I bought it there, but there shouldnt be any at all.

I accepted your friend request

6 years ago

SOLD to Aremoke

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.