Basically I want to get rid of my leftover coupons. I won't mind if that doesn't happen tho.


  • 1x 25% off Valve
  • 2x 33% off Valve
  • 1x 50% off Batman: Arkham Assylum
  • 1x 50% off Oddbox
  • 1x 50% off Supreme Commander
  • 1x 66% off Singularity

I'll give all of em away for 2-3 coals. I might consider some cheap game too.

1 decade ago*

I'll take them for 2 coupons.

Tho you can keep the Valve ones, i have wayy too many lol

1 decade ago

Thanks, but atm I'm looking for 2-3 coal (or a cheap game). I'm fine with 2. I'll be happier with 3 but I don't see that much likely to happen. The only coupon you had that got my interest was the Two Worlds II one, so if I change minds later I'll contact you. Thank you for your time and sorry. Have a happy new year :).

1 decade ago

Oops I didn't mean coupons, i meant coal lol. 2 coal

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.