Examples of instant trades:

Skyrim = 3x Dota 2 tradable invites = 2x Dota 2 tradable invites + Trine 2 = 1x Dota 2 tradable invite + Saints Row 3 + a decent game = Saints Row 3 + Sonic Generations = 2x Serious Sam 3 + a decent game

L.A. Noire = 1 Dota tradable invite + Trine 2 = Saints Row 3 + small game(s) / good coupons = Sonic Generations + a decent game = Serious Sam 3 + small game(s) / good coupons

Examples of a decent game includes but not limited to:
Killing Floor, Section 8 Prejudice, Terraria, Dungeon Defenders, Renegade Ops, Hunted: Demon's Forge, The Haunted: Hell's Reach,

Feel free to substitute any part of the equations with EQUAL or More value of games, or make you own good offer. However I am in no hurry to trade those away and mostly looking for the trades like the equations so I am likely to take time to consider your own offers. Thank you for you interest and happy holidays. :3

1 decade ago*

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, The Longest Journey + Dreamfall and The Binding of Isaac?

1 decade ago

add me iD:pluck777 i have 1 dota2 +trine 2 can give you others

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.