I have...

Don't Starve Together steam gift (bought a few months ago, so can be gifted, traded, sended, etc...).

I want...

Terraria - steam gift or steam key

Simple rules.

  1. If you have a key or other kind of gift - you go first.
  2. If you have steam gift, we can just trade, but you need to have active steam guard (i don't wanna wait for confirmation or other miracles for 7, 21 or million days).

Post your offer below, please, don't add me on Steam. I'll add you if accept your offer. I will decline all random requests. I also cannot accept steam level 0 and private account/profiles.

Don't forget to check my giveaways.

7 years ago*

I can do that . Add me if you want to trade

7 years ago

Added on steam to talk about it.
Edit: you didn't accept my inv on steam.

7 years ago*

7 years ago*


7 years ago*

Hi. Added on steam to talk about it.

Edit: Thanks for the trade.

7 years ago*

how about prison architect and stronghold crusader 2 for it?

7 years ago

i have Terraria for 3 csgo keys , if you sold your gift or have 3 keys i can sell you my copy

7 years ago

Not valid. Trade finished. I will make new thread with other stuff.
Thanks for an offers.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.