Have the following Gift Cards:

  • $50 Apple Store Gift Card
  • $25 Microsoft Gift Card
  • 2x $10 AMC Theaters Gift cards
    These gift cards are in code format, so you would add me and I would give you the code, for the games or whatever.

Below is a list of games I want, but feel free to make any offers. Starred games are ones I really want.

  1. Killing Floor*
  2. Stanley Parable
  3. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon*
  4. Continue?9876543210
  5. DayZ
  6. TF2 Keys
1 decade ago*

i have killing floor for 2 ToD.

1 decade ago

I can give you dead space for killing floor

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.