I have...

Groupees Coins:
2 x Jonny Antimatter Coin (with a current value of +$16)

I want...

Depends on the current value of the coin.
For current value - 3.5 CS:GO keys each (6 CS:GO keys if you want the 2 coins)

Since these coins give no change back, they are most useful to people who like those expensive comics or visual novels bundles that Groupees have from time to time (like the Dynamite Bundles).
I'll go first if you have more +rep than me.

8 years ago*

Just wondering if these are still available and how much they are currently worth?

7 years ago

Yes, I still have them. Each Jonny coin is worth $16.36 right now.

7 years ago

Ill take them both for 6 keys, ill be able to do trade in about 6 hours

7 years ago

Thanks for the trade :)

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.