76561198104199033 (mikad / Spankie Pie)

| steamname: .MRG | S> GTA IV COMPLETE
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50404770
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061075269
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrgiuli1t
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061075269

| steamname: mikad
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:71966652
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104199033
| customURL:
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198104199033

Well i have got the best prove, a video: (If you need something more, just tell me)


This person added me to sell a key of Battlefield 4, i know the risk so i asked him to use a middleman, he refused, so i asked him to use Team Viewer (Program that allow a person to controll your computer) so he can redeem the code, and then finish the trade, as you can see in the video, i agreed and then, after i accepted he disconnect the call of Team Viewer, and also deleted me form steam.

As i can see this guy, put the same image as other guy, thats why he got all that rep on steamtrades!
Original: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bibboorton (http://www.steamtrades.com/user/bibboorton)
Scammer: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104199033

Here the whole conversation:

.MRG: hi
.MRG: how can i help you'
Spankie Pie: hey man do you still want bf4 ? :)
Spankie Pie: ?
.MRG: sure :D
.MRG: :D
Spankie Pie: do you have keys ? my price is 18 keys :)
Spankie Pie: tf2
.MRG: sure
.MRG: its ROW?
Spankie Pie: yep
.MRG: nice
.MRG: well
.MRG: can u give me ur steam strades profile
.MRG: shall we use a middleman?
Spankie Pie: sure man
.MRG: :)
Spankie Pie: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/bibboorton
.MRG: ill be glad if u go first ;D
Spankie Pie: 101+ no -
Spankie Pie: how much rep do you have? sorry i quit the tab :L
.MRG: well
.MRG: im quite new
Spankie Pie: ok np
.MRG: but ill do whatever u want to trust me
.MRG: :D
.MRG: look at my profile if u want
.MRG: i got +200 +reps
.MRG: from different persos ;D
.MRG: *persons
.MRG: ill be recordiing
Spankie Pie: sorry man but how much rep on steamtrades?
.MRG: im new
.MRG: i dont have :(
Spankie Pie: oh
Spankie Pie: sorry man i cant go first but you can trust me 101+ and no negative
.MRG: okai
.MRG: i will
Spankie Pie: ok
Spankie Pie: so you have the keys now?
.MRG: ¿yes
.MRG: and if the bf4 key does not work?
.MRG: i can record it
Spankie Pie: its row
Spankie Pie: so it will :)
.MRG: i know
.MRG: but if its used
Spankie Pie: and yeah you can record
.MRG: or invalid
.MRG: do you want to use team viewer?
.MRG: so you can personally activate the code?
Spankie Pie: team viewers?
Spankie Pie: whats that
.MRG: yep
.MRG: a program where you can see and controll my computer ;D
.MRG: its freee
.MRG: and u dont have to install
.MRG: http://www.teamviewer.com/es/
Spankie Pie: ok
Spankie Pie: do you need an account?
.MRG: nope
Spankie Pie: ok
Spankie Pie: just downloading :)
.MRG: tell me when youre ready :D
.MRG: can we do 17 keys P
.MRG: ?
Spankie Pie: hmm alright
.MRG: :D
Spankie Pie has accepted your request to trade.
.MRG: hold on xD
You cannot request a new trade while you are still in another trade session.
.MRG: ad steam
Spankie Pie: what? :p
.MRG: nothing xD
Spankie Pie: ill invite ?
You have accepted the trade request from Spankie Pie.
Spankie Pie: are you in?
.MRG: ther members of the Steam Community have reported Spankie Pie for attempting trade scams. Proceed with caution, and remember you will only receive the items shown in the trade window. Steam Wallet funds and CD Keys cannot be traded.
.MRG: yes
.MRG: :/
Spankie Pie: damn someone must of reported me :/
Spankie Pie: some idiot who i didint trade with
.MRG: wel
Spankie Pie: but ive got 101 + of good
.MRG: thats not good for me ;(
.MRG: well
Spankie Pie: but dude its just someone who got angry i didint trade :/
.MRG: hmm
.MRG: ok then
Spankie Pie: ive got no - on steamtrades
.MRG: well
Spankie Pie: ok
.MRG: we are going to do this
Spankie Pie: ok
.MRG: youre going to activate the key on my pc
.MRG: and you will accept on my pec too
.MRG: ok?=
Spankie Pie: yep whats your details for teamviewer?
.MRG: 307 771 505
.MRG: pass
.MRG: 6006
Spankie Pie: thanks
.MRG: soo?
Spankie Pie: how do you connect? :L
.MRG: open the program
.MRG: then go to the right
.MRG: to id
.MRG: and there pu remote control
.MRG: paste the code
.MRG: hit enter
.MRG: and the the password
Spankie Pie: got ya
.MRG: okai
Spankie Pie: so what are we doing?
.MRG: there
.MRG: you put the code
.MRG: you accept
.MRG: if it worked
.MRG: you trade
.MRG: :D
.MRG: from my pc
Spankie Pie: but we havent traded keys yet?
.MRG: look
.MRG: yo do this
Spankie Pie: ok
.MRG: i want to see if the code is legit xD
.MRG: and i want you to see it
Spankie Pie: the trade is really slow has it completed trading for you?
.MRG: nonono
.MRG: i didnt accept
Spankie Pie: have you made the trade?
.MRG: liste
.MRG: nono
.MRG: listen
.MRG: youll activate the code
.MRG: and then
.MRG: youll trade
.MRG: i wont scamm you!
.MRG: ;D
.MRG: youre usin g my pc
Spankie Pie: but dude you have no rep
.MRG: thats why
.MRG: im doing this
.MRG: i saw a guy with 200 rep
.MRG: and scammed another!
.MRG: :/
.MRG: i got the link
.MRG: so
.MRG: put the code
.MRG: and then accept
.MRG: :D
.MRG: you have to
Spankie Pie: how about you send 9 keys then i send the code? ithen you send the rest ? t sounds safer
.MRG: yeah
.MRG: well
.MRG: trade
.MRG: then send the code
Spankie Pie: ok
.MRG: youll see if it works
.MRG: where did u got this form?
Spankie Pie: gmg
.MRG: the code
.MRG: gmg?
Spankie Pie: green man gaming
.MRG: ah ok
.MRG: battlefield 4 right=?
Spankie Pie: yeah
.MRG: okai
Spankie Pie: :p
.MRG: accepted
.MRG: send the trade
.MRG: the key
.MRG: ?
Spankie Pie is now Offline.
Spankie Pie is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
.MRG: f*
.MRG: are u f****

THIS IS ON STEAMREP, Help me banning this people!


1 decade ago*

im sorry to tell you that, but your keys are gone and valve/steamrep are gonna do nothing because there was a key involved

1 decade ago

yeah sorry dude they can't do much. honestly if someone refuses to use a middleman you probably shouldn't trust them on a large trade.

1 decade ago

I went through the same shit a few days ago. I was trading for CoD Ghost key. the guy had the game in his account and he told me he had another key. but in fact, it was his own key. he told me to go first and he pasted half the key to show his willingness to go through with the trade. as soon as i gave him the item, he deleted me and went offline. Here's the scammer: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/xIDiNicola
I really think there should be a stick thread in the forum with a list of these scammers so other traders will be aware and careful if/when dealing with them.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.