EDIT: So i am looking for a few things and i am offering CS:GO steam gift for one of the following well lets say packages:

  • I will accept 2 TF2 or CS:GO keys for the game
  • If you have humble deep silver bundle BTA conatining the following : Saints row 3 + all dlc, Saints row 2, Risen 2, Sacred 2 Gold, Dead Island Goty. Metro 2033, Sacred Citadel and Risen 1 are not mandatory but would be nice.
  • And the third offer will accept is theese 4 steam keys for Grid 2, Civ 5, FTL and Bastion - (nice mix of bundle games and promotional keys)

So theese are the things i am looking for, divided in 3 forms of payment, offer me 1 of them and we have a deal. If you have some of them, but kind a mixed up or something similar to offer, you are free to add me in steam to negotiate. Actually i prefer being added instead of cheking here for offers.

1 decade ago*

I dont have any game you are looking for, but just in case, would you want Portal 2 for CS.GO? My portal 2 is a key but I can go first with it. Add me if interested!

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offer but i will pass.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.