yes im aware that it is 19.99 in store, im looking for people who are aware of the sale price and willing to trade as such.

I will pay no more than 5 bucks , to me it is not worth even 5 but i do have a stradegy craving right now so unless it passes i will keep this thread up until best offer comes...
(best offer = least cost,lol)

Also feel free if you have WiC as well, world in conflict is currently 9.99 in us store so no i wont spend 9.99 in wallet ..

So issac x 3
or what ever it may be, please feel free to make offer..

also if there is anything on sale or in store now and you want me to get it w/ my wallet and have an offer, feel free to make one but i will say that i am not looking for many games so unless i do want it or offer is good i will not make trade.

btw i buy from american store so please save the "well its 50 penny cost RU" arguement, if you want RU price i recommend airplane, pc "enlightenment" or find fair/good RU trader on forum ( some RU traders here that are very fair )..


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.