I have...

Idling your games!

🌴 -- What is idling?
I just sit in the game and wait for it to give me Trading Cards.
Trading Cards can be sold on the Steam Market, for extra Steam Wallet Funds, or for crafting Badges to get your level up!

🌴 -- How will this work?
You give me the Steam Key (or the Humble Bundle Gift Link) for the game/s you want me to idle, and I'll redeem them on the Steam Platform, and idle them for you! Then I send you the Trading Cards in a Trade Offer!

🌴 -- RULES -- 🌴

⚜️ 1. I can only idle games, that I don't own yet.

⚜️ 2. I'm not online always, I'm not a robot. It can also sometimes happen that you send me the key, and I'll only give you the Trading Cards in the hours/days

⚜️ 3. Speaking about Time, every game is different. 1~5 Hours. That doesn't mean I'll deliver them in that time span. DON'T RUSH ME

⚜️ 4. Only Steam Platform Games obviously.


~ Choklez


4 years ago*

🔥 Open Now! 🔥

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.