i can give tf2 keys

or games

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1 decade ago*

guess ill start with 25keys from an amazon cdkey.

1 decade ago

first is too high for me (for this price i will buy from amazon xD ) and anyway amazon not give cd keys before reless date so no ty

1 decade ago

pretty much yeah lol. just a starting point and still have like 2weeks before origin releases it. thought id offer haha. anyways great luck to you!

1 decade ago

ty for offer :D

1 decade ago

Not an offer but want to give some information as Im also FIFA 14 shopping.

Amazon works very weird with Origin. What I mean is that when you buy an Origin game on Amazon, it gives you a "token" rather than a key. Its not like Steam. This token has to be immediately applied to an account and you have to log in to Origin via Amazon. There's also country restrictions. I had a bunch of Amazon credit that I was willing to trade for TF2 keys, i.e. I would buy a game on Amazon at request and give the key provided to the other person for keys. One person requested an Origin game and this was discovered. The token is non-transferable and if you get it from say the US store, you can't apply it to say a UK'ers Origin account. Country restrictions are a lot more, well, strict when you purchase Origin games via Amazon.

Its gotta be a new thing (as when I purchased FIFA 13 last year on Amazon, I got an Origin key), but I notice it coming up with a lot of Origin games on Amazon lately. It says "Online Game Code" but when you go through the purchase it demands you log in to Origin via Amazon so it can directly apply the token. It may be possible to give the person purchasing your Origin name/pass to get the token applied, but I have no idea if this will work b/c of the country restrictions. Its not like Steam keys which are ROW when you get them from Amazon. Be wary of trading for Origin games purchased on Amazon. I dont think it restricts every game, but it definitely does on a bunch and they're mostly newer games Im noticing on.

Im likely going to end up just getting FIFA 14 via Amazon for myself. Trading for it may cause issues, but again, Im not sure if FIFA 14 uses this "token system", but I wouldnt be surprised at all if it does.

1 decade ago

Thank you so much for this info, But is possiable to get fifa from other store so i will looking for it from other site :D

1 decade ago

Oh yea, no question about that. And theres obviously key selling sites too. LMK if you find a good deal on it as Im also looking. Im going to wait right up to release week if I have to. Amazon has a $5 credit along with it that is nice as well.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.