I have...

I have a few completed sets and sometimes I might have an extra card that I don't need (for instance, I have 11 cards but to complete 2 badges I only need 10. I don't mind trading that extra card).

If I am missing one or 2 extra cards to do an extra badge, I might not trade cards from those sets (but feel free to a offer anyway)

  • Same set: as long I have a duplicated card and the value is the same 1:1
  • If I don't have a duplicate card and/or the card you are offering me has less value you must offer an additional random card 1:2
  • If you are offering cards from the different sets, it depends on what cards you are offering and their value
  • Depending on the offer I might not mind breaking a complete set.

Offer me a Trade

or leave an offer in the comments

Here is the link for the people having problems w/ the link above: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=178517423&token=Nzj2-WZw

SteamTradeMatcher for duplicates


Backgrounds & Emoticons [NOT UPDATED]

Can trade these bellow for others emoticons/ backgrounds or cards (if your has a bigger value, I will give several so the price is the same):
Culling of the cows: Bloody Bull Heads x9; :cowcredits: x1; :dropcrate: x1; :locknload: x1; :tntsticks: x1
Uriel's Chasm: Enoch x1; Gardens x2;
Victim of Xen: Will 1 x2; Will 2

(W) :BorealisGalaxy:, Digital, Neon
(H) :BorealisIcePlanet:, Clusterduck x2

Uriel's Chasm:
(H) :hitcharide:, :treeoflife:, :sistertabitha:

Speedball 2 HD
(W) Cyber Teams; :speedball:
(H) Earth Division 1 x1, Earth Division 2 x2, :supernashwan: x2, :hellsfury: x2

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.