Looking to do some trading got introduced to this and it has been vey fun so far.
Looking for mostly rpgs or strategy games. Let me know what you have and what you need for them.
Legend of Grimrock 2 would be cool
A Final fantasy at a good deal would work.
Thanks for taking the time!
Found out I can throw a steam link up sorry folks kinda a slow learner with this trading business.
Please don't waste you or my time with crap trades. I am new but I want to feel satisfied with the trade as well I hope you do. Thanks for any offers

9 years ago*

hi, i have welcome pack from greenmangaming(it cost 29 euros but i want 4 tod) and wrc powerslide(2 tod)

9 years ago

So what comes in this welcome pack? As well I must apologize I don't know about this green man gaming does it put the games in steam or is it downloaded from them like good old games? Thank you for the intrest

9 years ago

in pack is 6 steam keys:Cobi Treasure Deluxe, Numba Deluxe, PixelJunk Monsters, Postal, Speedball 2 HD, Victim of Xen

9 years ago

Hi! Interested in something here?

9 years ago

I will have to pass. Thank you tho!

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.