What I have:


-x4 Super MNC (This would only be like, a $1 sweetener total)

What I want:

--Indie Bundles: Mostly looking for the GATT/IndieFaceKick bundle: http://indie.gamingallthetime.com/ (though IndieGala 2 [epic saver] or multiple IndieRoyales would be nice)

-Recent Daily Deals (or any for that matter, works out for you and me)

-Square Enix sale games (not any of the Deus Ex series, bought them all today)

-Horror games, to name off a few particular ones I'm looking for: Cold Fear, Cryostasis, other obscure ones

-Offers (Preferably around $10 or so)

EDIT: Updated wants by shrinking it a bit

1 decade ago*

Renegade Ops?

1 decade ago

Possibly. Let me get back to you on that in a minute or two.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

After a bit of thinking I'll wait and see if any other good offers come in. I'll be going to sleep in an hour or two and once I wake up I'll see what's been offered and if yours is the best then I'll trade. :D

1 decade ago

ok. I already have magicka. Thanks anyway.

1 decade ago

Yup, it's fine. ;)

1 decade ago

bunch of heroes key + krater key?

1 decade ago

I have no clue what Krater is, is it on the Steam store? I can't seem to find it.

1 decade ago

steam key, check youtube gameplay

1 decade ago

I looked it over, and think I'll have to pass. Sorry. ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.