Someone tried to trade Thief for 4 of my games (a deal too good to be true). Profile was also private, and whoever it was added me once before - didn't know what I was offering back then, which was highly suspicious.

Profile link:

1 decade ago*

Is best if you change the title to something else including the ID64 like "Scammer: 76561198127289141/KingFishers" that way others can find this easier if they try to search for it in Google.

You are right is a scammer. Quote from another user: "This user (now with nickname Kinston, before was fehr30837) traded with me, i gave to him Civ 3 complete and overlord links, both from humble bundle, i asked for wallet or keys, and he said to me that he's gone paypal me, gave him my email and his gone, blocked me, and changed her nickname, never trust in this user"

You can read it here.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.