His profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rikker__/

He sayed he was http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Zomby2D (http://steamcommunity.com/id/zomby2d/) but he wasnt. Tryed to steal my witcher 2.

I dont know how to report a scammer. If u guys could help me, would be great!


This user has also played as:
LELIK have CS:GO, Dota 2
Mammut [W] Dead Island Collect
rikker_ [/r/SGS]

22:37 - Benegripe: hi?
22:37 - Zomby: hello
22:37 - Zomby: i am interested in your the witcher 2
22:37 - Benegripe: ok, what u have?
22:37 - Zomby: this is gift?
22:37 - Benegripe: yup
22:38 - Zomby: i can offer paypal/webmoney/moneybookers..
22:38 - Zomby: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Zomby2D
22:38 - Zomby: this is my rep[
22:38 - Benegripe: wow
22:38 - Benegripe: its good
22:38 - Zomby: thats why i can offer IRL money :P
22:38 - Benegripe: true, but i'm not gonna trade anything first
22:38 - Benegripe: i dont have much expirience in trades
22:39 - Benegripe: but i have no interest in thief or anything
22:39 - Benegripe: so
22:39 - Benegripe: how much?
22:39 - Zomby: 30$
22:39 - Zomby: i pay fees
22:39 - Benegripe: paypal?
22:39 - Zomby: yes
22:39 - Zomby: any
22:39 - Benegripe: its a really great offer
22:39 - Benegripe: i accept
22:39 - Zomby: really?
22:39 - Zomby: nice
22:40 - Benegripe: :0
22:40 - Benegripe: :)
22:40 - Benegripe: so
22:40 - Benegripe: how we do that?
22:40 - Zomby: i was more looking forward that you could go first to me
22:41 - Benegripe: well, i really dont know how trades works but i dont want to take any risks
22:41 - Benegripe: if u do the trade first
22:41 - Benegripe: i promisse that i will keep my word
22:41 - Zomby: you can have my promise lol i have done over 120 trades here
22:41 - Zomby: why would i scam someone
22:42 - Zomby: you have no rep so nobody goes first to you
22:42 - Zomby: no offense
22:42 - Benegripe: well
22:42 - Benegripe: indeed zomby has a 128 rep
22:42 - Benegripe: but u dont have
22:42 - Benegripe: different steam profiles
22:42 - Benegripe: ;)
Zomby is now Offline.

1 decade ago*

I've been dealing with this all day long. Can't wait until this guy gets banned or moves on to impersonate someone else. (I'd prefer ban, I don't wish this on anyone) I've clicked on Report violation on his profile and stated that he was impersonating me. Maybe if enough people do it, Steam's staff will look into it.

Should also place a ticket on Steamrep...

1 decade ago

He also tried to scam me too,i already reported.

1 decade ago

I got scammed by someone impersonating Blinkdog, who has a good rep.

1 decade ago

We've had a few of these on the last few days. Always be wary of private profiles, and click on the profile link on the Steamtrades page to see the actual trader's profile.

1 decade ago

thats sad.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.