Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074830305/wishlist

I have:
2 gift copies of Awesomenauts and one key from the Starstorm Kickstarter
3 gift copies of Showdown Effect Deluxe

Any one of those for any one of my wishlist games.
$20 game for $20 game, $10 game for $10 game.
Reasonable offers considered.

Please put trade offer in comments. Do not add me to make the offer.

1 decade ago*

i just made an offer to you in here a few minutes ago..unless youve made a new thread??? maybe youre just deleting peoples comments instead of responding...
you asked for your wishlist...i have Paranautical Activity if youre interested for Awesomenauts...

i see youve edited in 'reasonable offers' and that $20 game for $20 game stuff...im guessing youre new to trading...thats not really how it works, and youre going to have a hard time making any trades if you do things that way...nothing is valued at its price on Steam...stuff is valued at sale prices/bundle prices/demand/popularity...lots of things..
for instance Paranautical Activity at the lowest price on Steam has been $8.99....Awesomenauts has been $3.75...maybe even $2.50, dont remember...
though you can charge whatever you want of course...

1 decade ago

Hamilton Great Adventures (gift) for Awesonauts?

1 decade ago

No thanks :o

1 decade ago

With how quickly the threads disappear down the list, I've been adding it every half hour or so. Meant to copy/paste things similar to my post on Reddit. I'm trying to keep the values close to keep things fair with the current prices. I did, however, reply to your previous comment about a key for Paranautical Activity asking if you'd accept the Awesomenauts key. Key for key trade.

1 decade ago

And, yes, I am fairly new to trading on Steam.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.