I have...
  • Steam Trading Cards
  • Level Up Service
  • Card Sets
  • Gems
  • CS:GO Keys
  • Hydra Keys
  • TF2 Keys
I want...
  • Gems
  • CS:GO Keys
  • Hydra Keys
  • TF2 Keys
  • Card Sets

Monster Level Up Service


!8ball <question> - Ask 8ball a question.
!buy <amount> - Buy Sets with CS:GO Keys.
!buyany <amount> - Buy Any Sets with CS:GO Keys.
!buyanygems <amount> - Buy Any Sets with Gems.
!buyanyhydra <amount> - Buy Any Sets with Hydra Keys.
!buyanytf <amount> - Buy Any Sets with TF2 Keys.
!buygems <amount> - Buy Sets with Gems.
!buyhydra <amount> - Buy Sets with Hydra Keys.
!buyone <amount> - Buy Only One set for each badge with CS:GO Keys.
!buyonegems <amount> - Buy Only One set for each badge with Gems.
!buyonehydra <amount> - Buy Only One set for each badge with Hydra Keys.
!buyonetf <amount> - Buy Only One set for each badge with TF2 Keys.
!buytf <amount> - Buy Sets with TF2 Keys.
!check - Check available set(s)
!checkcs <amount> - Check how many sets get and level you can reach with specific amount of CS:GO Keys
!checkgems <amount> - Check how many sets get and level you can reach with specific amount of Gems
!checkhydra <amount> - Check how many sets get and level you can reach with specific amount of Hydra Keys
!checktf <amount> - Check how many sets get and level you can reach with specific amount of TF2 Keys
!getid64 - Get your own SteamID64.
!help - Get this help message.
!lang <lang> - To change the language settings.
!level <level> - Check how many set you need you get desired level.
!owner - Contact the owner.
!ping - Check the latency of Steam Community.
!prices - Show our prices.
!sell <amount> - Sell your set(s) and get CS:GO Key(s)
!sellcheck - Check the available set(s) you can sell.
!sellgems <amount> - Sell your set(s) and get Gems(s)
!sellhydra <amount> - Sell your set(s) and get Hydra:GO Key(s)
!selltf <amount> - Sell your set(s) and get TF2 Key(s)
!stats - Check how many keys and sets available.
!translation - Contribute in the bot translation. Games will be awarded. Contact Monster with proof!

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.