I have...
I want...

1 non-vanilla csgo key
1 vanilla/TF2 key + 6 trading cards of >0.07

Might consider other offers of a similar value.
Lower rep goes first!
Send here before adding for rep check :)
Cheers :)

8 years ago*

Hello, are you interested in Speedruners and Divekick?

7 years ago

Have Divekick and not interested in Speedrunners but cheers for the offer :))

7 years ago

We are the Dwarves or Shadowgate for Bioshock 2 ?

7 years ago

Shadowgate I have, We are the Dwarves doesnt come close to the value Im afraid :/ Checked your trades, could do it for Party Hard + Viscera Cleanup Detail if you're interested :)

7 years ago

Party Hard + Something on indie legend except Viscera clean What do you say?

7 years ago

Im gonna be extremely honest with you and admit that Im trying to trade Bioshock 2 for 1 csgo key cause its easier to trade that so I could get Party Hard + Viscera Cleanup Detail + Skullgirls (which are the only 3 I dont have from that bundle). Would buy the bundle but cause of banking sanctions in Greece Bundlestars aint working here so that is the only way to get those games. By proceeding with your deal Im already going one game minus on my expectations so...
tl/dr, will have to insist on those two games Im afraid :/

7 years ago

I can do Skullgirls + Party hard.Because i just want to trade Viscera Cleanup for Another games.If you can do that just let me know:)

7 years ago

As I said, Id like to have Viscera in the deal BUT...I promise to come back to you in less than half a day if I dont trade it for something better ;) Cheers for the offer/chat :)

7 years ago

Told you Ill let you know in less than half a day so, Skullgirls + Party hard + Another World and its a deal mate :)

7 years ago

Add you

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.