so here's the deal
if you have a dump truck of scrap but hate spending the time to craft it into refined
I will craft it for you at the rate of 1 scrap per refined

very simple:
10 scrap = 1 refined

if you have reclaimed then it's 1 scrap for 2 refined (6.33 rec = 2 refined)

EVERY 4th refined is free (39 scrap = 4 refined)
will accept any weapons at standard rate 2 wep = 1 scrap (they don't have to be same class)

I currently have 2 ref in stock and will add more if this gets any interest
you can send me a bunch of scrap and I'll send you back the ref as quick as I can
but I don't expect you to trust me for that so whatever

send offer if you're interested


1 decade ago* can do that by trade or trade offer and without any taxes...

1 decade ago

ahh - didn't know that... well screw it then never mind :o)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.