I have...


I want...

BL2 UVHM pack 2 DLC

blocked in my country, only way to get it is by gifting on steam, don't know which country can gift to me either so may take a while for me to find people who are willing to buy that dlc and trade it for ONE the following games:

Deadlight, E.T Armies, 12 is Better Than 6, DmC: Devil May Cry, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

5 years ago*

i have this games
Chroma Squad
The Way
12 is better than 6 game
The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The last Quiet Day

5 years ago

i didn't mention anything about trading for games, my trade was clear that i need BL2 DLC, for any of the offers i mentioned above. not trading any games for another, sorry.

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.