So here's the deal: I maaaay have spent too much money on the Steam Sale and my wallet maaaay be crying itself to sleep right now. Anyways, the good news is that I have the Witcher 2 and about $27 Steam Wallet, but I've basically bought everything I ever wanted from the Steam sale and more.

So in order to retrieve some of this money into my own coffers, I'm willing to buy games for you guys (US Prices) and give them to you for a bit of a discount (Think around $1 off) as long as you pay me for them through Paypal. I also have a couple of Bioshock Infinite codes.

Please either post your offer here or add me and we can talk. But PLEASE only make reasonable offers. I'm not buying keys or games from the Russians, I'm buying them from the US Steam Store at whatever the price is right now. I don't have a stockpile of games that have been on sale in the past. So be reasonable, please.

1 decade ago*

I got full Skyrim set, can you get me something? If answer's yes, I'll add you and discuss

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.