1 decade ago*

Would you like to trade anything yours for my steam keys of English Country Tune, Botanicula, Theatre of War, Reign: Conflict of Nations, Soundtrack of Zombie Driver HD, End of Nations Alpha, Air Mech 30$ in-game Attack Pack - Raptor Pet? I have desura games too: Oniken, Miner Warfare, Doom & Destiny. And an Android game too: Doom & Destiny. You can take a look at my inventory http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090300437/inventory/ if maybe you wanted trading cards, coupons...

1 decade ago

i trade here only borderlands 2 season pass ru key

1 decade ago

You are only supposed to have a maximum for 2 threads open at a time on steamtrades. You may want to close a couple of them, looks like you have 4 open. Just giving a heads up in case you get in trouble from the admins.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.