If anybody was looking to get this game, I have a very valuable coupon for it.

4 CS:GO Keys is approximately 7,2 €, so you'll end up having a little discount! - Actually, if times are harsh, I might accept 3 keys ;) But no less, it already favors you! ;P

Expires - Mon Jun 02 2014 00:01:27 GMT+0200 (Rome, summertime)

1 decade ago*

You should know that that coupon is practically worthless. Generally speaking, coupons less than 90% aren't worth anything, and even then the coupons usually go for a few cards each at best. Just my two cents..

1 decade ago

Oh snap, didn't know that :S
Oh well, then if anybody is still interested, it will go for a few trading cards xD

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.