I have...

Ushanka painted with "A Mann's Mint" and a Strange Non-Craftable "Classic" sniper

14.88 (Ushanka) + 7 (Classic Strange) = 21.88 refs

I want...

VooDoo engineer soul, Dell in The Shell, Cute Suit, Postal Pummeler, Industrial Festivizer, Wanga Prick, Mad Milk and Bubble Pipe
2 (Engi Soul) + 3.44 (Dell) + 8.11 (Cute Suit) + 0.05 (Postal) + 6 (Ind. Festivizer) + 0.33 (Wanga) + 0.05 (Milk) + 1.55 (Bubble Pipe) = 21.55 refs

Searching for trade
Instant answer
1 Reclaimed/3 Scraps profit for you!

5 years ago*

Closed 5 years ago.