I have...

Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Region of Ruins

I want...

NEO Scavenger (MOST WANT, all trades for Ancestors must include this + another game, unless I've already traded one key for NEO Scavenger already)
Jackbox Party Pack 4
Jackbox Party Pack 6
X-com Enemy Unknown
Spelunky 2 (Just came out on Steam)
Paper Pirates
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

I also accept offers for deception/stealth/tactical/hardcore games, depending on the game.

If you are trading for Ancestors and NEO Scavenger hasn't been traded to me already, then you'll have to have a NEO Scavenger copy/key to trade. I'm willing to trade one on one of Ragnorium and Region of Ruins for NEO Scavenger.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, ALL THE GAMES IM OFFERING ARE STEAM KEYS, I will accept copies or keys of the steam version of the games, but no gift links or outer links to other websites.


Send me a friend request if you want to trade.

3 years ago*

Just letting you know, no one would go first with a zero rep user like you. I understand your fear tho, so here's a simple tip: To avoid impersonators and scammers don't accept random adds, and you can paste the steam link profile on the main page to check real reputation, in the "Search reputation" bar, that way you can be sure who are you trading with. Good luck!

3 years ago

I see, thanks for telling me, I'll prob edit this post to remove that part. Also yeah, I understand why people wouldn't go first with me.

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.