Ladies and gentlemen, listen up for the best offer I'll make all year!

The Holiday spirit of achievement farming has warmed my heart to the point where it's slightly defrosted, so I'm willing to offer up not just your run of the mill trade.

Up for trade is a copy of Dungeon Defenders (valued at ~7.50) + all the coupons and coal I have(>20$ worth in savings). I'm planning on doing only 1 more trade this year, so if you act now and take this offer before someone else does, I'll give you a holiday gift as an added bonus: I'll give you my extra copy of the Humble Indie Bundle #2 (Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos, & Revenge of the Titans) for freeeeee!! (Valued at 25$) Please note that I will message you the code after we trade, and counts as a gift and is not considered part of the trade.

You'll get all this in return for either of these two games:

Hard Reset

Not to mention: dungeon defenders has new dlc out now free for a limited time only. If you wait much longer before picking up this awesome game you'll lose out on it.

For those of you who care about the specifics of the coal and coupons, as I am writing this they are as follows: (1 coal, -25% valve, -50% nordic games, -50% revenge of the titans, - 50% wings of prey, -50% uplink, -50% oddworld: stranger's wrath). As an added bonus to you, any more i earn from achevements before I trade will be added to this list!

I am open to other offers, (post in the thread or add me on steam and message me @ and wish you all a happy new year!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.