Few rules: I'm not paying the same price that I can get in steam store.
I don't want any DOTA2/TF2 Items or shit like dat.

If Paypal I'm not giving the money first. Already did paypal before you can ask that guy that I'm not scamming.
If you are not interested in Paypal I can buy you games from steam (Steamwallet).

My offers:

Paying(Paypal/Wallet): Torchlight 2 - 10$, Mark of the ninja - 10$, Dark Souls Prepare to die edition [ROW] - 20$, Orcs must die 2 - 7$

If you got any other good games that you want to sell, you can offer.

Please check my account before you offer a game I already have.

Thank you!

1 decade ago*

Nobody could sell you TL2 for $10 - even in Russian Steam store it costs about $15, and there was no sales too. If you agree for 15 - add me. It neither in my rules to go first on keys\paypal trade, but we may use a middleman.

1 decade ago

Well, there are people who got this from trades/gifts.

sorry Im not paying 15$ for it

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.