I have...

1: Slender:The Arrival
2: The Hat Man: Shadow Ward
3: DeadCore
4: Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness

I want...

Some skins worth minimun in 15$ all of them for all the games.

8 years ago

Hello Somethink here
for DeadCore ?

8 years ago

You're using a bot or what? You just sent 16 of these messages out in 50 sec for consecutive new trades..

8 years ago

strg+c ;)

8 years ago

Do you even read what people have and what or do you just spam the hell out of each page?
Cause i certainly can't read that quickly through all the descriptions.

8 years ago

  • no read
  • only serch
  • one game like DeadCore
  • and write one msg for all guys how have the game its the easy way ^^
8 years ago

so you basically don't care at all what people want in paricular or if they even wrote that they don't want game keys (or the stuff you have) explicitely?

8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.