I have...

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition

I want...

SACKs OF GEMS, CSGO keys, TF2 keys, refined metals, cards, items

4 Sacks of gems as 1 key
25 ref as 1 key
30-50 cards as 1 key (price 0.07eur and more)
TF2 (or Dota 2 or CSGO) items, with some overpay

0.5 key is:
2 sacks of gems
13 refined metals
1 Tour of duty ticket + some cards
cards, items...

I can accept very good game offers (STEAM GIFTS only)

if you accept my price, add me or send trade offer HERE

other offers here, please

(all games are TRADABLE and REGION FREE!)

Beware of impersonators!

Always check Steam profile!
Dont trust traders with private profile or with free games in library only!

I have public profile, never change my Steam nickname and I have over 4500 games in my library.

7 years ago*

how much for Left 4 dead in cards?

7 years ago

30-50 cards as 1 key (price 0.07eur and more)

7 years ago

so you want about 3 euro for that Left 4 dead right?

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.