<br>- Arma X (includes Arma I + DLC and ARMA II + DLC)
<br>- Bioshock, the original, not worth much but its still a damn good game
<br>- Half-Life 2 seriously if you don't have this already, you NEED it
<br>- I also have Arma III Lite passes, unfortunately they dont include the multiplayer part, ill just give one for free to whos offer I choose

<br>- Tomb Raider (2013)
<br>- Metro: Last Light
<br>- Or other good offers

Do Not Want:
<br>- Cash (i don't trust cash transactions Game for a Game only transactions
<br>- Anything to do with TF2 or Dota 2 I could care less about those games

Other Info:
<br>Arma X is perfect for those who want to play DayZ, you get the base game/ Operation Arrowhead and the DLC, so you get the High Res Textures

1 decade ago

You can sell TF2 keys/Dota 2 keys for Steamwallet on the Market, so you should probably accept those.

Anywho, Orcs Must Die 2+Tripwire Interactive Bundle+Making History+Killing Floor Bundle(key)+Red Orchestra 2 GOTY(key) for Arma X

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.