ill take a Shootmania Storm beta key for one of the above, and a World of Warplanes beta key for all of the above
(if u have offers ill probably take them as well)

1 decade ago*

if planetside 2 is on steam, ill offer dota 2 beta

1 decade ago

PS2 is not a steam game,
ps. im being a bad trader but a good person by saying you can get much more then a PS2 beta key for a Dota 2 invite

1 decade ago

Lol ok. Thanks for the heads up but my dota is a key, and keys are hard to trade

1 decade ago

fair enough, but so many people want Dota 2 that even a key can get you A LOT.
just search "keys" and you'll be able to trade just about any Game-key you want for this dota 2 key

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.