

Games I want are in order of how much I want them. Wishlist offers, like I said, are less likely to be taken unless I'm really getting something out of it. I know it sounds greedy, and it's not my intention. Just letting you know how it is.

I'm also open to the use of a middleman AS LONG as it's a trusted member for a known community.

Note my inventory may fluctuate as I trade stuff, I always keep a comment on my profile and my posts updated so you might wanna check back every once in a while.

1 decade ago*

Interest in Starvoid (full game)?

1 decade ago

Not interested in free games, even less from people trying to rip off others with it.

1 decade ago

All the keys are gone so.. If you don't get a key, it's not my problem... and it worth 10$(pre-order)

1 decade ago

Game was free. That's all that matters. And I got a key myself.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.