I have been left 2 feedback.

Twotonedecho (2 days ago)
SCUM of the earth, took my steam credit and loggeed out. NEVER, EVER DO ANY TRADES WITH THIS ASSHOLE!
ChenTamayev (2 days ago)
Scammer you scammed my friend you took his money

I have no idea why I have this feedback at all. Haven't traded with the guy and I have like 120 rep with trades dating VERY recently.

1 decade ago*

Definitely an impersonator. Those noobs let their greed take over them and not they suffer. Serves them right.

1 decade ago

It's not really fair though, I had perfect rep and now it's tarnished. How do I go about getting it removed?

1 decade ago

Add those greedy noobs and explain to them. And then file a support ticket with Steamgifts.

1 decade ago

yeah they're 0/0 and 3/0, probably don't even check if the steamtrades profile links to the right steam account. Thanks for the advice.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.