
I'm trading steam games for TF2 Keys. In the following list will be the price of the games in sale, if you need pricing in any other game, just ask and I'll answer.

Games in Sale

Garry's Mod -> 2 Keys
Saint's Row IV -> 12 Keys or 11 Keys + 4 Tour of Duty
Dust -> 3 Keys OR 2 Keys and 3 Tour of Duty
Torchlight II -> 4 Keys OR 3 Keys and 3 Tour of Duty
Godus -> 6 keys OR 5 keys and 2 Tour of Duty
Sim City 4 -> 4 keys OR 3 keys and 3 Tour of Duty
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion -> 8 Keys OR 7 Keys + 2 Tour of Duty
Brothers -> 3 keys OR 2 keys + 3 Tour of Duty
Deadpool -> 16 keys OR 15 keys + 3 Tour of Duty

Flash sales

Rage -> 4 keys + 1 Tour of Duty
Evoland -> 2 Keys
Shelter -> 2 Keys OR 1 Key + 2 Tour of Duty
Gunpoint -> 3 Keys OR 2 Keys + 2 Tour of Duty

Community Choice

Snow -> 4 Keys OR 3 Keys + 4 Tour of Duty

1 decade ago*

I advice you to lower your prices, brazilian prices are way lower than these, even some euro prices are better than this and euro is overpriced already ...
I.E.: I just bought deathpool of a brazilian trader for 3 cs:go keys + 2 tf2 keys.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.