I have...

Humankind steam key
Crysis remastered trilogy egs

I want...


send some offers👀👀

2 years ago

Take TF2 keys ? you can sell on steam market

how many TF2 for Humankind

2 years ago

Whats the price going on for tf2 keys??

2 years ago

How much will you offer ??

2 years ago

5 ?

2 years ago

I m talking about the 50$ humankind

2 years ago

hi , saw you say you can gift game on steam for dirt 5 to another user, what about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition ? it's on sale now . well that's in case no cross region gift issue

2 years ago

What do you mean by “saw you say you can gift games” , do u mean you want me to gift skyrim for dirt 5

If i m correct with the above statement the I can’t already have dirt 5 from my friend if you have a list of some sort it would be great

2 years ago

i saw you said gift the witcher 3 for dirt 5 to another user, so just ask if can give it a try. and
what do you mean "I can’t already have dirt 5 from my friend " ? you mean already got a copy of dirt 5 from your friend ?

2 years ago

ohh about that i did offer that but now i have dirt 5 already (i got it from my friend) if u have any other offers it would be great

2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago.